Today I finally got around to setting up a game of the new(-ish) Polemos ruleset,
Ruse de Guerre, which covers the C18 and C19 wars in North America.
I used the first scenario in the book - the
Battle of the Plains of Abraham, featuring Wolfe's famous victory over Montcalm. I don't possess any armies for the Seven Years War / French & Indian War, so I substituted my Napoleonic forces, along with some newly-painted Native Americans.
The forces involved are not large:
12 bases of Infantry
1 base of Skirmishers
2 bases of Artillery
7 bases of Infantry
4 bases of Skirmishers
2 bases of Native American skirmishers
4 bases of Artillery
The Set-Up:
French on the heights to the left, British on the plain to the right |
A close-in view of the British |
French regular infantry and artillery defend the heights |
Skirmishers cover the French right flank |
And the French left flank |
And the view from behind the French position |
The Battle:
The battle begins: Long-range artillery fire is exchanged, causing a few casualties amongst the British infantry); thenWolfe and Montcalm send out their ADCs with orders (see the small groups of mounted men clustering around the generals of both sides) |
A few casualties are caused by the British artillery's return fire |
Another view of the French position at this point |
And another view of the advancing British |
The British continue their advantage, and continue to take casualties as they do so |
And so on, across the line of the British advance - they halted briefly at this point to unlimber the artillery and prepare to assault |
The British left flank has re-orientated itself and has begun to advance against the French skirmishers |
The British prepare to assault, Brig-Gen James Murray scurries between his units trying to restore order in the ranks disordered by the fire of the French artillery |
Wolfe leads the Louisbourg Grenadiers into the assault (left); the remainder of the British are still reforming |
The odds aren't looking good!! |
The attack on the French left develops... |
The British attack develops all along the front |
The Louisbourg Grenadiers get to the mouths of the cannon before they are driven back... |
The French skirmishers are routed after a brief fight; the Native Americans are hard-pressed too (background) |
A closer look, as the British infantry storm across the stream... |
The British line is repulsed by French fire |
All along the line, the story is the same... |
The flanking British battalion closes with French skirmishers |
The Native Americans under severe pressure... |
The British reform for a second assault on the French left |
The renewed British assault on the French right however goes in, and breaks further French formations: at this point, the French formation collapsed, which led to the entire army's collapse and flight... |
The French centre and left has held off most of the British assault, although they have lost some infantry and some guns - but the collapse of the right has rendered the position untenable... |
Game Notes:
A very exciting and close first game as I got to grips with the rules. Not my finest tactical hour, but I was concentrating on learning! Generally speaking both sides fought hard and well, with the French perhaps holding on rather harder and longer than they did in real life. The blunt British advance was, well, blunted but the effect of the frontal pin, flank attack, then combined attack was pretty effective. Altogether, the French lost two infantry bases, three skirmisher bases and two artillery bases - the British lost two infantry bases; but the majority of these losses were suffered right at the end.
As far as first games go, it sent very well. They seem a notch simpler than most of the other rules in the Polemos stable: partly I think due to the nature of the conflicts represented, but also as a result of the author clearly having played lots of Polemos games and developed a "user-friendly" approach to the rules framework. However, I will be writing another blog post soon to give a longer "initial thoughts" review.
Figures by Baccus 6mm, as ever. The buildings (not very appropriate for Canada!) were from Total Battle Miniatures.
Interesting to hear that these rules felt a tad simpler. I Look forward to your future post regarding your ongoing thoughts.