I went to the Partizan show today, taking my 6-year old to his first show. He is very keen on model vehicles and toy soldiers so he was very excited! In any case, whilst we were wandering round, I managed to get some photos of most of the demonstration games and some of the participation games (he felt a bit too shy to actually want to give any of the participation games a go: perhaps next time). I didn't have much opportunity to have much in the way of chats or ask questions, so this is my impressions only. I have some comments on a few of the games I have put in with the captions.
The Boondock Sayntes do something typically exotic and grand: India in 1803. EIC troops attacking some kind of fort.
As ever, the little details are awesome
The game (as always) looks just amazing!
So colourful
A Napoleonic 1809 game, French vs Austrians
An ECW game: Hopton Heath, IIRC. Relatively simple, but effective. I would be interested in whether people prefer this ground effect or the previous game?
Successors clash. Can't remember the battle - Ipsus, perhaps? Anyway, looks fine.
WW2 game, set sometime during the invasion of Russia
A very nice looking big ACW game (think it was a fictional battle). Everything looked great! I think it exposes one of the visual things about 28mm though - the buildings kind of do dwarf the regiments. Not crititizing, it entirely 'works' visually as a toy soldier battle, just noticing one of those phenomena that gets brought out seeing these big battles.
A wider view. It really did look 'just so'
A 'small' (by Partizan standards) game: Border Reivers. Love the Bastle House (which has a removable roof, so you really can put the livestock in the bottom, defenders at the top). And a very nice chap to explain it all.
Leipzig, somewhere in the southern sector, with the Allies (bottom) resisting the advances of the French (and Italians, and Neapolitans(?)).
So big, my camera can't fit it all in
I consider this kind of game a very traditional staple of the show circuit: a big Napoleonic effort, big battalions, part of a big battle. Hardly ground-breaking, but very nice.
Carentan 1944. American forces move up to support the defence of the town.
I think Carentan is the star of the show here. It feels like a town, but with enough space around it to capture the battle as a whole
US air support attacking the advancing columns of 17 SS Panzer Grenadier. Great-looking game.
Another pic of Carentan, just because. The only thing I want to note is the 'base' of the town.
More Leipzig, this time with Commands & Colors and the northern part of the battle (Mockern). I think hexes do impose aesthetic limitations, but this set up gets very close to maxing out the prettiness given those limitations (although that said, I think there may be more innovations to come here).
A slightly different angle, but just because I like the look of it so much!
My son picked this huge 6mm WH40K Epic game as his favourite of the show!
There was a lot going on both with the vehicles, flying machines, stompy robots and the grim urban terrain - but all of it was excellent
and there was *a lot* of it
Lots and lots of vehicles, with that slightly WW1/WW2 in deep space vibe
And from the other side!
Gheel, September 1944: very nice looking buildings on a generally pretty terrain, I thought.
A really huge Ancients' game: I didn't get many details, but I think it is Cannae, with the Republican Romans on the right and Carthaginians on the left! Could be wrong though. The 'absolutely huge Ancients game' has perhaps become a little more common, maybe, over the last 15 years - perhaps a combination of plastic box sets making it a more reasonable financial proposition with rulesets better designed to cope with this size of battle. Taken as a game - and that is by no means the only criteria we should use when thinking about demo games at shows - but huge Ancients' battles on long but relatively thin tables do make sense to me in a way that they don't quite as much for Napoleonic or ACW games in 28mm.
A huge Raid on Entebbe game, so much going on.
Another nice chap talked me and my son through it, there was lots going on, lots for the Israelis to do. My son kept to history by fluffing a Ugandan shooting roll.
More 28mm ACW stuff, part of Gettysburg. I thought the teddy-bear fur was particularly good in this one, it all looked really nice. A very 'show staple' type game.
More niceness. Think I might have another look at my own basemat efforts and see if it could be upgraded.
More huge Ancientsness. Persians and Macedonians, but I forget which one, apologies - maybe Gaugamela?
It really was huge!
TooFatLardies' Oosterbeek. I think the urban area looks absolutely amazing and I will not be taking questions on that. I think I would go so far as to say that they should be really hard to beat for 'Best in Show' games unless someone else can reach this level. Game-changing for this type of thing
I don't need a reason for a wider view of this one! Note the German grenadiers snurgling forward at the edge of the board
The Paras skulking in the gardens
There has been a lot of chat about "What A Cowboy" recently, and this is the TFL game: looked really good, sounded like lots of fun being had!
Another TooFatLardies' Arnhem offering: absolutely astonishing. I don't think I have seen an urban area look quite this good before, ever, for a modern game. The closest I think have been some Stalingrad-ruins games and there have been some other excellent modern ones, but this is just a feast. In other periods, there have been a couple of great port cities, but they have a different, slightly storybook vibe, if that makes sense?
Struggling to see how this could be bettered, to be honest.
I think I spotted the editors of WSS and MW knocking about, as well as Henry Hyde: I would strongly advise you to have a look at one of the proper albums that come out and if you do nothing else, have a look at these. Think about how great that Carentan earlier looked (and it really was great) - but then, this.
Russians advancing against the Finns in the winter war
2mm Ancients. Looked both good and doable, although I can't help but prefer the 6mm look to the 2mm look.
28mm AWI action
and a longer shot
Another What a Cowboy game. It looked great, although my photo didn't do it justice. The guy hanged from the tree was a neat if gruesome detail!
A very large and nice-looking SYW battle (I think!). You can tell in this battle more of the 'movement' of a horse-and-musket battle compared to some of the other offerings because of the way the size of the figures interacts with the size of the table.
A genuine big-game flanking movement. A little bit of a pity about the dice markers though, it is definitely a plus point for me if a miniatures game can avoid this.
A huge Wars of the Roses battle with Kallistra stuff I think; one of the most 'doable' battles on show, despite the number of figures (apologies for the photo)
The smaller figures allow a sense of space as well as of mass.
The Battle of Degastan. Small but perfectly formed here from the 'James Morris' stable.
And the other James Morris game: Norsemen and Norsewomen against the Frost Giants. And a Stairway to Heaven!
Giants and allied monsters versus Norse: what's not to like? Looks really wintry too
British and Italian tanks clash in the early Desert War. Looked nice and good fun (think it was "What a Tanker")
A self-consciously 'super-old-skool' game, but very effective for all that. Set in the interwar period I think, although to my mind the infantry and cavalry looked more 1903 than 1930.
I genuinely thought about going down this direction at one point and the quirky aesthetic with very practical set-up still appeals.
A small but perfectly-formed WW1 trench game
A small ECW demonstration set-up I think (Middleton Cheney?): 15mm on a small board, lovely (*originally put in 6mm in error).
Wings of War always looks good: been on my 'get around to one-day' list for ages.
Another biplane participation game 'Catch the Pigeon' - bigger aircraft, based on the floor, 'flown' from behind the desk. It looked good fun!
Stompy robots, great look.
Sails of War, I think: again, looks great, must get round to it
A Xeno-morph game, I think? Looked good, anyway
Some kind of Doctor Who game. The futuristic terrain looks easy to make but effective!
Apocalypse Now - simple but effective
I think this was a kind of Middle Eastern themed participation game but the details of this escape me - looked simple but effective though.
A busy looking Stargrave terrain, with lots of the bits'n'bobs scatter from IGS (I think).
There were a couple of games which I did look at but for some reason didn't take pictures of: one was a Mahdists-Egyptians clash; quite small-scale but looked pretty good. The other was the TYW battle, Lutter, which I have done myself before. I got so busy talking to one of the presenters (from the Glasgow club IIRC) that I forgot to take a picture! But it was well done, simpler visually than some, but pretty enough and emulable for most interested gamers.
It was good to get a look at all these games, although I didn't get much shopping done. My son was well behaved but some of the crowds around some of the stands were a bit big for him, so it wasn't esay to shop effectively - although TBF, I don't necessarily think that some of the stands are that easy to shop around anyway. So although I had quite a long list, all I ended up getting were a few reinforcements from Baccus. I think that I generally prefer online shopping anyway, although Joy of Six isn't too bad. In any case, with game and painting time at a premium, I should be relatively restrained in my purchases!
Thanks for a ton of photo’s, I’m sure that I missed a couple of games. Of note i thought was (a) the compactness and (b) the excellent basing look used in the Battle of Degastan from 'James Morris'. I went back twice to discuss it and each time, he was already enthusiastically talking with another punter, so I think the reaction to his table must have been really positive.
ReplyDeleteYes, I missed a couple of games too: your comment reminded me to put in at least a mention for them at the end. And yes the Degastan was genuinely inspirational, not in a 'perfect game' way but in a 'I could do this next week, and have my games look better' way. What makes it effective? Maybe...
DeleteThe backboard
The relief on the small board (probably the strongest effect)
The figure basing (nice, although maybe the smallest effect)
Good trees and stream (although I wonder if the banks of the stream might be the place to focus on further improvement - unsure, just thinking)
It looks like a good show, a shame I couldn't go. Great to see all those Command and Colours games (well, two anyway) and the 1930s one looks like The Portable Wargame.
ReplyDeleteYes it was. It would be interesting to track the movements of rules over the years to see the trends.
DeleteThe ECW set up was Middleton Cheney. The models are 15mm. We had Edgcote in 6mm.
ReplyDeleteYes, sorry, I got muddled.
DeleteNo problems. Everything else looks small at a 28mm show!
DeleteThanks for a lovely overview of the show JWH! Glad oyu son enjoyed himself too. Great to see a good mix of figure scales, size of games etc, which is good to showcase our hobby. Personally I prefer the (I could do that at home' ones to the diorama Arnhem one or the massive Ancients one, that latter in particular leaving me cold. Heresy for some I know!
ReplyDeleteYes, there was a decent amount of variation, although I reckon there is a little way to go still. I had thought Steve Jones was going to bring his 6mm Napoleonics which, if he did, I somehow totally missed!! But most scales were there, and most periods, in some form or other.
DeleteWith the Arnhem games, what I am thinking about is how close can I get to it without it: 1 - compromising playability; 2 - costing too much; 3 - being too much faff