Heretical Gaming is my blog about my gaming life, featuring small skirmishes and big battles from many historical periods (and some in the mythic past or the far future too). The focus is on battle reports using a wide variety of rules, with the occasional rules review, book review and odd musing about the gaming and history. Most of the battles use 6mm-sized figures and vehicles, but occasionally 15mm and 28mm figures appear too.

Saturday 4 August 2018

How on earth did that happen?

I was taking the advantage of some quiet time today to do a bit of sorting out of my 15mm WW2 stuff, basing a few figures, repairing a few damaged paint jobs, that kind of thing when it became clear that my little side project for doing WW2 section and platoon skirmishes now has over 500 figures and 30+ vehicles! How on earth did that happen?   The stupid thing is I will never play with anything but a fraction of this lot at one time: I much prefer using 6mm stuff for reinforced platoon / company (-) actions upwards.  And it isn't as if I particularly enjoy painting or anything.  It has been a small trickle of accumulation over the last...nine years?  There is stuff in there from Battlefront, PSC, Peter Pig, Zvezda & QRF I think...

And the even more stupid thing is, I don't think I have everything that I want!  I have too many 'core' troops, not enough of the one-off things which add interest to skirmish games.  A D+ for project management here I reckon.


  1. If you are doing any sort of Tactical gaming you will always have far more stuff than you can use at any one time. At least for the Allies you can get away with a Few Shermans, for the Germans you need half a dozen different types of tank and assault gung

    1. You are quite right, of course. But I think I managed to get maybe twice as many regular infantry as I should, plus maybe a few too many of the same vehicles (Shermans and Tigers), which could usefully have been some lighter vehicles.
