Heretical Gaming is my blog about my gaming life, featuring small skirmishes and big battles from many historical periods (and some in the mythic past or the far future too). The focus is on battle reports using a wide variety of rules, with the occasional rules review, book review and odd musing about the gaming and history. Most of the battles use 6mm-sized figures and vehicles, but occasionally 15mm and 28mm figures appear too.

Saturday 1 June 2024

Five Leagues From the Borderlands - Bank Holiday Campaign

Over the Bank Holiday weekend, I felt like something a bit lighter game-wise, so I got out some 28mm fantasy figures and started a new Five Leagues From The Borderlands campaign. As well as playing the game for its own sake - and it needs no further justification - I was looking at what the minimum figure and terrain requirements might be, so in current domestic circumstances I can create a small 'game in the box' which covers most of the necessary options. 

I am four campaign turns in so far. I will do a quick summary as I go of each campaign turn. I started off with a 'standard' party of 4 Heroes and 4 Followers. Just for visual identification, the heroes are the Knight with a two-handed sword, the Knight in red surcoat with sword and dagger (the avatar), the blonde archer in green, and the Norse Shieldmaiden with sword and shield.

Turn One: 

A good non-combat encounter finds me a new comrade-in-arms: some kind of runaway scholar! Oh well, he can figure out how to use his bill as he goes...

Then an encounter with some Northern raiders...

The merry band...

The fight was quite hard - raiders are reasonably tough - but in the end it was a convincing victory, and no serious injuries amongst the party.  The loot was okay, but much better, one of the followers ended up becoming a hero.

Turn Two: 

The next turn only had a combat encounter; this was against some bewitched local cultists, who ended up acting as dumb fodder for some evil sorcerer...this band was led by a mercenary warrior out of the Far North, however...

Okay, the action begins with the party spotting the cultists, and the arrows begin flying.

The archers do their work well - that warrior is still untouched, mind

The melee becomes general - plus one of the heroes and his follower have got around the back - no escape for any of this lot

The mercenary warrior is the last to fall, surrounded by the party and hacked down - he was a very tough customer, and a couple of the party are a little worse for it

Turn Three: 

The party track down a band of bandits to their lair - a ruin hidden in a deep vale. On the way however, they encounter another bit of good fortune...another character who wishes to join the party...a soldier...who also turns out to be a hero! He is one of the characters with a Bill, for identification.

The party has surprised the bandits in their lair.

The archers have good position

The enemy leader - some kind of charismaic demagogue, using the bandits for his own nefarious ends

Some neat archery brings down a couple of the bandits - the bandits are possibly the weakest enemies in the game.

And another one - the archers are outdoing themselves in this battle!

The remainder of the bandits are despatched, although a couple do manage to make their escape

Turn Four: 

Some more bandits are encountered, this time whilst the party is travelling

Another charismatic leader goes down, along with a henchman - one of the heroes has gone a bit far though, and is ambushed by two bandits

The remainder of the bandits have been overwhelmed in the meantime, however

None of the bandits escaped this one


Game Notes: 

Really good fun, and a nice little change of pace for me. Things are actually going very well for my party - having the extra heroes does make the fights noticeably easier!! Still, they will leave soon enough (IIRC the party will reset to normal numbers at the end of a campaign segment...need to check that). I do have the latest edition of Five Leagues...but I haven't got around to properly examining that system yet...and in any case, it isn't like I am not enjoying the first edition! I think it bears repeating that I really wish I had had this game when I was about 10-12 (that and Nuts! or Five Men at Kursk) - I would have played these things so, so much! Great solo-friendly gaming on a small board, with a low figure count. What I have been working on is getting a minimal 'set' together, having all the terrain and models I need to play the game as written, but contained in a very small overall space. I use the same hills as I am using for my 6mm Horse & Musket 'game-in-a-box', but the trees for this game need another box, with a few other bits of terrain, like the ruins and the barrows in some of the pictures above, to give it some flavour.  But it is working well so far - a few Dark Age warriors (Gripping Beast), fantasy Norsemen (Westwind Nordvolk) and some Cultists (Frostgrave) are supplying most of the adversaries, the heroes and heroines are mainly Perry Miniatures Wars of the Roses figures and conversions, and some Bad Squiddo & Gripping Beast shieldmaidens.


  1. It does remind me of my early games of D&D (ist edition) when I was a teenager. We never really managed a campaign, but these games you've played are the sort to which we aspired to! One day I might re-visit this sort of game, but currently too into bigger battles, which tick all the boxes for me. Mind you it's nice to have a break from the norm now and then:)!

    1. Yes, exactly so. It is perfect for the games that I wanted (and to the extent that you can 'need' a game, needed) when I was that age - definitely not the same as now, when I am more interested in big battles, or even realistic skirmishes. But that said, I am not averse to sometimes playing adventure games!

  2. Great looking games. An interesting campaign that I guess you can continue for as long as you are interested. Does the opposition get harder as the campaign continues?

    1. Thanks Ben. Great-looking is far too kind! But I am going for 'nice enough'...
      Interesting question. I don't think it gets harder per se, but there is a (more-or-less) random distribution of difficulty in the way that scenarios are generated, so sooner or later you might generate a combat encounter where you are massively over-matched either by the strength of the opposition OR by terrible starting conditions (caught by surprise with no time to react to repair the damage). That said, I think getting a strong party (in numbers, and proportion of heroes to followers) helps this, so potentially the rest of this campaign might be relatively easy (although that can easily change with a couple of bad rolls!)
